Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Baby crying a long time may damage the brain

British childcare expert Dr Li He, babies crying a long time may damage brain health, this explosive conclusion or lead to how to respond to infant crying a big discussion.
Dr. Li He let the baby cry is not conducive to their health, the ensuing problems are at greater risk. She claims that the study proved that prolonged crying may damage the developing brain, leading to later cognitive impairment occurs.
Li He's saying all the current popular theory of parental conflict. The theory is that parents should let the baby cry a maximum of 20 minutes. Including child care, including expert advice Jinafute in the formation of normal sleep pattern newborn babies, parents should be strict control of their lives, if we allow the baby crying. Li He that infants do not have to "learn" at an appropriate time to sleep mature mind. She said: "The prolonged crying baby will eventually stop, but not because he possesses the know-how alone sleep soundly, but because he has been exhausted, no longer hope to get help

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