Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Your Six Month Old Baby’s Progression

Your six-month-old baby’s progression is an interesting thing to observe.  It is around this time that he or she will make fascinating advancement in areas like speech and diet.  When considering such advancement it is always essential to remember that no two babies are exactly alike and that your child will move forward at their own rate.  Still, it is good to know what things you have to look forward to around this time in their lives.

The process involved in your baby learning to talk is a simple one.  Your baby develops his or her speech by listening to you.  Six-month-old babies are paying particular attention to all of the things that you say.  You can contribute even more to this experience by conversing with your baby as the two of you go through the day.  This is a very natural instinct that most parents develop without prodding or coaching.  Talk to your baby as though he or she understands all you have to say.  Sing songs to her as you change diapers or do chores.  Tell him about what it is you are doing and describe the process as you carry on.  Such practice stirs a baby’s desire to make conversation of their own and soon enough they will be attempting to answer you.

When your baby becomes a six month old, he or she will begin to need a diet of more than breast milk or formula.  There is nothing wrong if your baby decides that they want to make this change at five months old or to wait for their seventh month.  We do know, however, that starting your baby on foods other than milk before the five month mark or waiting until after the seventh is not advisable.  If you begin earlier, your baby’s digestive system will not be able to manage competently.  If you start later, your baby will be missing out on vital nutrients needed to grow.

Your baby’s first food should be baby cereal.  You can offer it anytime that suits you, breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  Give your baby their usual formula or breast milk and then offer a spoon of cereal.  Have a burping cloth or some sort of towel handy, as there is likely to be a mess.  If baby refuses the cereal, don’t be pushy; you can try again tomorrow.  If your child likes the cereal, this is a signal that you can begin to introduce other new foods after the first three or four days of cereal.  Usually parents move on to a pureed fruit such as apples or pears as the next food.

Your six-month-old baby’s sleep patterns should continue to feature both daytime and nighttime sleeping.  The average six month old will sleep about four hours during the day and ten at night.  At this age, your baby will only sleep during the day if he or she is tired.  So, you want to make sure that your child is plenty active enough to want the rest they need. 

These are just some of the things that will happen in your six month old baby’s life as growth and development continue at their personal pace.      

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