Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Seven Month Old Babies and Their Physical and Personal

On the physical end of things, some seven-month-old babies are sitting up quite well and regularly, while others might not do the same for another two months or so.  Part of this has to do with the development of neck and stomach muscles.  That is why it is important that even young babies get plenty of the proper exercise.  If you want your baby to sit up and walk as early as possible, you can help them out by researching which muscle groups should be getting exercised and how to safely achieve such exercise with a baby.  For example, a baby who sits up earlier will be a baby who has gotten plenty of tummy play and time on the floor.

Seven-month-old babies will begin to strongly display their personality types.  Years ago it was widely held that a baby’s personality, which later becomes the child’s personality, was molded and crafted by the direct result of parental influence.  We have learned something quite different from that now.  While it is true that a baby’s environment and nurture influences them psychologically, it is quite possible for the same set of parents to raise children whose personality traits are quite different from one another.  Realization of this led researchers to conduct studies that prove a baby’s personality also depends, at least equally, on their own natural tendencies.  Some people refer to this as hard wiring.  If your baby is hard wired to be shy, she will have natural tendencies to act this way.  Easy babies will be hard-wired to be content and high-needs babies will insist on constant attention.  The nurturing of the parents can influence this natural tendency, but it cannot be changed.  Therefore, don’t pat yourself on the back too quickly if you have an easy baby and definitely do not doubt your parenting skills if you have a high-needs baby.

Seven-month-old babies can begin to show signs of food allergies or food intolerance.  This can exhibit itself in the form of rashes, eczema, hives, vomiting, and diarrhea.  Food allergies and food intolerance are often confused.  Food allergies are actually quite rare and generally disappear, with the exception of those to nuts and fish; by the time your child begins school.  Food intolerance is a reaction to chemicals in certain foods and the indicators might not show up until well after the food has been eaten.  Food allergies, on the other hand, show up as an almost instant reaction.  If you believe your baby has developed either a food allergy or intolerance, it is important to consult your doctor right away.  Some foods that are likely to cause an allergic reaction are cow’s milk, fish, nuts, soy, eggs, and wheat.  Foods less likely to cause an allergic reaction are lamb, veal, beef, chicken, most vegetables, oils, pears, fats, barley, buckwheat, and rice.  Don’t stress yourself about food allergies and intolerances unduly, most babies love food and have no bad reactions to what they eat.

These are just a few of the physical and personal developments you might find with seven month old babies and this article is by no means all inclusive or absolute, as all babies develop at their own personal rate.

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