Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Children from infancy began, "I slept"

Some new parents before a child is born early, the baby is ready for the exclusive of his small bed. Sub-bed sleep does the baby can develop independence. However, some parents embrace the baby, they were willing to delay in a separate small bed. Listen to parents in animated conversation the following words "sub-bed to sleep."
A habit hard to bed to sleep
Sisi Ma: I consider coming home and the grandmother had been sleeping, sometimes sleeping with Mom and Dad. Particularly troubling is that sleep when she touched adults lobe must be asleep, or else can not sleep. Consider coming now 5 years old, or do not want us to sleep separately.
Ki natural mother: my children have told grandma to sleep, but sometimes would like me, it depends on my bed and sleep with me. As for the sub-bed to sleep, I think every child may have not the same. However, my family Ki-4 year old, and has volunteered over to his bed, but now is a hot day, air-conditioned home, open all night, worried that he kicked a man sleeping quilt cold, or so then.
Wen Wen Ma: Wen-Chol Voon 3 years old my family, now very much dependent on us. I let him sleep alone, but if the touch than me, he would cry. If starting from an early age, then on the bed to sleep better, and now little difficult, simply bigger and then divided out of bed.
Dream Ma Ni: Ni dream sometimes, and we shared a bed. But we are each a quilt to sleep. Sometimes she can sleep one small bed, small bed on on our bed. Nicole will play the evening was a dream quilt, the small bed can be easily placed next to the blanket to help her cover up.
Qin Zi Mom: My child has been, and we have to sleep, even if we come home very late, and we also have to sleep. Now he is 7 years old, or do not want a person to sleep. We have repeatedly said that he, he said, and then I slept until 8 years old, but do not know that can be done.
Man Young Mom: Man Yeung my family has been divided from the bed to sleep after birth, can now sleep housing distribution.
Experts suggest
The beginning of sub-bed sleeping baby
As a parent, always worried about sub-bed, the baby kicked the quilt, and hungry, were blindfolded head blankets could not breathe, how to do? Therefore, some children and parents to sleep is a few years, or even to primary school age and their parents or refuses to sleep. Guangxi Medical College Hospital, pediatric chief physician Liangwen Wang Ruikang proposed independent sleep habits among children from infancy.
Liangwen Wang said, from the infant feeding period, we should let the child sleep in bed with their parents points. Since infancy, babies do not form their own habits, so habit easier. And children to sleep alone help develop his independence, more hygienic, is conducive to the healthy growth of children. In addition, children and adults with sleep, is likely to disturb baby's sleep, and may develop bad habits.
In separate sleeping, parents dismay, the children do not care. But this time, parents should beat their efforts to foster the children's independent character. During the hours when the baby bed, baby cot can be placed on parents bed next to your baby hear the familiar voice of his parents let him know that parents in the vicinity, so that not only give your baby a sense of security, but also easy to care for parents children. And he will be happy to sleep in my own little bed alone.
In addition, training should be from infancy the child from regular sleep. Regular sleep can help reduce infant crying at bedtime, or too abundant energy can not sleep to happen.

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