Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Possible First Month Pregnancy Symptoms

Some people might consider whether there are really any first month pregnancy symptoms whatsoever, but if you talk to women who have already been pregnant at least once before, you can get some idea of possible first month pregnancy symptoms.  Among these may be some of the following.

A good indicator of first month pregnancy symptoms could be missing a menstrual period.  Many people believe that this is the very first sign of pregnancy although a menstrual period may be missed for many different reasons.

Another one of the possible first month pregnancy symptoms is thought to be a higher than usual body temperature.  When a woman ovulates, it is natural for her to experience a moderate rise in body temperature.  Her temperature in the morning will remain higher than it was before ovulation, until her period starts.  If her temperature remains higher for a longer duration, it may be one of the first month pregnancy symptoms.

Morning sickness is unreliable as one of the first month pregnancy symptoms.  Morning nausea can have so many causes and implications that it is just a long shot to assume that it is accurate as one of the first month pregnancy symptoms.

Hormone levels change drastically at conception, affecting the size and shape of a woman’s breast.  In fact, tenderness and enlarging of the breasts are among the most precise first month pregnancy symptoms.  These symptoms will change as the pregnancy develops and the woman’s body becomes accustomed to hormonal changes.

Urgent and frequent urination can also be among the most certain first month pregnancy symptoms.  This is also caused by hormonal changes in the pregnant woman’s body.  Initially, this one of the first month pregnancy symptoms is caused by the embryo injecting a hormone into its mother’s body.  Later, frequent and urgent urination is usually caused by the weight of the uterus pressing on the bladder.

Some people suggest that fatigue is a common one of the first month pregnancy symptoms, although fatigue, like morning sickness, might have many causes other than pregnancy.  While it is true that fatigue is present in women less than one month pregnant, it is not an accurate symptom of pregnancy in and of itself.

Intuition is one of the first month pregnancy symptoms that should not be easily dismissed.  During their first month of pregnancy, many women simply feel different or may even have an idea that they have become pregnant.  Perhaps, this is why you are reading this article right now.  A woman’s intuition about being pregnant should not be rebuffed.  Often, women know when the moment of conception has occurred, immediately.

Conception of and giving birth to a child is a wonderfully complicated process.  Delivering a healthy, happy baby depends on many variables and you should know as soon as you can, whether you are pregnant or not.  If you believe that you may be pregnant because of any one or more of these first month pregnancy symptoms, you should get a pregnancy test and find out for certain.

1 comment:

  1. Pregnancy is a very serious matter. I think it must be taken into consideration.
